Southern Business Administration Association Constitution
Revised and Approved, November 12, 2024
The name of the organization shall be the Southern Business Administration Association.
The objectives of the Association are the promotion and improvement of collegiate education for business. These objectives are to be realized by such methods as may be deemed appropriate including:
- Annual meetings for the discussion of issues of general interest including curriculum, teaching methods, course contents, educational objectives, recruitment, and trends in collegiate education for business.
- Exchange of cases, problems, course outlines, and other material.
- Development of an orderly pattern of relationships and liaison with business leaders.
- Promotion of teaching innovation and research by faculties of collegiate schools of business.
- Such other methods as may be adopted by the membership.
- Academic Institutions: Membership shall be on an institutional basis and open to all collegiate institutions offering programs in business administration and/or business education as college, schools, or departments of business administration. Members shall be admitted to the Association upon payment of annual dues.
- Others: Non-academic organizations may be invited to membership. Such organizations would include business firms, professional and trade associations, foundations, research organizations, government agencies.
Each member shall have one vote to be cast by a designated representative of the institution on each matter coming before the Association.
The annual membership dues will be recommended to the Membership by the Board of Directors and adopted by the Membership by a simple majority vote at a regular or special meeting
The Association shall hold an Annual Meeting and a Summer Workshop at a date and place as determined by the Board of Directors. Additional special meetings may be called by the Board of Directors as circumstances warrant.
The governing body of the Association shall be the Board of Directors. This Board shall be composed of the President, Vice President for Programs, Vice President for Member Services, Secretary-Treasurer, Immediate Past President, and representatives of nine member institutions who shall serve as Directors.
The officers of the Association shall be a President, a Vice President for Programs, a Vice President for Member Services, a Secretary-Treasurer, and an Immediate Past President. Terms for the office shall be one year except for the Secretary-Treasurer and the Vice President for Member Services whose term shall be two years.
Directors shall be elected to staggered three year terms of office with at least one term expiring each year.
Officers and Directors shall be elected by the membership at the Annual Meeting and shall take office at the conclusion of the Annual Business Meeting. Whenever an Officer or Director’s position becomes vacant, the Board of Directors shall fill the same temporary appointment pending the election of a permanent successor at the next Annual Meeting.
Constitution may be changed at any regular or special meeting. No change shall be effective unless approved by two-thirds of the members in attendance and voting. No motion for an Amendment shall be considered unless a copy of such proposed Amendment has been filed with the Secretary-Treasurer at least thirty days before the meeting and a copy thereof sent forthwith by the Secretary-Treasurer to each member.