
Our generous sponsors help make the work of SBAA possible


Southern Business Administration Association (SBAA) is the regional association for deans of schools of business administration in the southern region of the U.S.

SBAA has two meetings a year: a summer educator’s workshop, typically scheduled for mid-July, and an annual meeting, typically scheduled for mid-November. The target audience for both meetings is business school deans and associate deans. Expected attendance for both meetings is approximately 100.

Sponsorship recognition includes:

  • Advance recognition on the SBAA Web site and in pre-meeting promotional materials
  • Listing in participant packets and meeting program
  • Recognition from podium and signage, as appropriate

SBAA Sponsorship Opportunities

Sponsorship Opportunity Amount
Welcome Reception
Newcomer Reception
Welcome Gift
Dinner (Sunday)
Breakfast (Monday or Tuesday)
Morning Break (Monday or Tuesday)
Afternoon Break (Monday)
Grab and Go Break (Tuesday)
Lunch (Monday)

Field Trip

Printed Program
Meeting Room Refreshments
Meeting Technology
Corporate Sponsor
General Event Sponsor
Keynote Speaker
Sponsorships for Preparing to Become a Dean Workshop Amount
General Workshop Sponsor
Day One Break
Day Two Break

Contact (SBAA president):

Jacob Chacko

Clayton State University